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Unveiling the Power of Self-Care: An Inspirational Journey with Cassandra

self-care coach May 21, 2024

 In today's fast-paced world, the importance of self-care often gets overshadowed by the demands of our daily lives. To shed light on this crucial aspect of well-being, we had an insightful conversation with Cassandra, the founder of NewChrissandra, a blog and marketplace dedicated to promoting self-love and self-care.

Embracing Self-Care: Cassandra's Journey

Cassandra's journey began in Sri Lanka, where she was born and raised. Her deep appreciation for her culture and the nurturing environment provided by her parents played a significant role in shaping her perspective on self-care. Cassandra's passion for self-care and her cultural roots shine through.

“I really love the culture, the food, and everything about Sri Lanka,” she shared. Her upbringing instilled in her a sense of resilience and a strong foundation, which she later channeled into her business.

The Birth of NewChrissandra

NewChrissandra started two years ago as a blog focused on self-love and self-care. Cassandra wanted to create a space where she could share her thoughts, tips, and personal journey to inspire others. “I wanted my followers to love themselves unapologetically and be themselves, regardless of societal expectations,” she explained. Her message is clear: only when you love yourself can you truly support and care for others.

As her blog gained traction, Cassandra expanded NewChrissandra into a marketplace. Here, she sells various items, including stamps and currency notes, which are particularly popular among her audience. Collecting these items also serves as a hobby that helps her balance work and leisure, contributing to her overall well-being.

The Unique Appeal of Sri Lankan Stamps

Among her collection, Cassandra treasures her Sri Lankan stamps from the era of King George VI, when Sri Lanka was known as Ceylon. These stamps hold historical significance and are a source of pride for her. They represent a connection to the past and a symbol of her journey and the diverse interests that shape her life.

Self-Care in Sri Lanka: A Cultural Perspective

Cassandra's self-care practices are deeply intertwined with her cultural background. Growing up, she faced various challenges and received both positive and negative feedback from those around her. However, with the support of her parents and her determination, she developed a strong sense of self-worth.

“It's important to love yourself first,” Cassandra emphasized. This belief is central to her self-care philosophy. By prioritizing self-love, she navigates life's ups and downs with greater ease and confidence. Her close relationship with her parents, who she describes as her friends, has been instrumental in her journey.

Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs and Self-Care Enthusiasts

Cassandra's story is not just about self-care; it's also about entrepreneurship and the challenges and rewards that come with it. She candidly discussed the hurdles she faced, such as limited resources and balancing her business with her studies. Despite these obstacles, she remains steadfast in her mission.

For those looking to start their own business or struggling with self-care, Cassandra offers valuable advice: “It's always okay to say no to things and people that make you feel uncomfortable. Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Prioritize your health and well-being as a necessity, not a luxury.”

She also encourages entrepreneurs to take small breaks throughout the day to recharge, create boundaries to protect their time and energy and maintain a positive mindset. “The more you believe in yourself, the more you will achieve,” she said.

Looking Ahead

Cassandra's vision for NewChrissandra is to continue inspiring and helping others through her content and products. She is active on all major social media platforms, where she shares her journey and offers support to those in need.

Her story is a testament to the power of self-care and the impact it can have on one's personal and professional life. By embracing self-love and sharing her experiences, Cassandra has created a ripple effect that encourages others to do the same.

In conclusion, Cassandra's journey with NewChrissandra highlights the importance of self-care and its role in achieving a balanced and fulfilling life. Her dedication to spreading this message is truly inspiring, and her business serves as a beacon of hope for those looking to embark on their self-care journey.

For more on Cassandra and NewChrissandra, follow her on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Her story is a beautiful reminder that self-care is not just a practice but a way of life.

If you would love to follow Cassandra on her entrepreneurial journey and support her business, you like and follow her using the following links:

Newchrissandra's profile 
My Facebook profile 
Newchrissandra's profile
My X profile 
Newchrissandra's profile 


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