
Everyone has a unique life and healing journey. No matter where you are on that journey, the right strategy can help you reach your goals and create more freedom in your life.


I'm Jasmyn Camp

After having my first son, I struggled severely with my mental health. It's not exactly how I pictured being a new mom. But with research, time, hard work, and actionable steps, I was able to overcome postpartum depression and am well on my way to thriving in spite of my mental illnesses. 

Now I use my own personal struggles and successes to help people just like you overcome life's challenges. I'll show you how to deal with, heal, and implement strategies that will allow you to live the life you've been thriving for.

Reduce Stress

Learn how to decrease and manage your stressors.

Eliminate Anxiety

Cut anxiety and depression from your life and create positive habits.

Increase Happiness

Learn how to invest in yourself and reach your goals faster.

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My Story

I have always been family-oriented, and becoming a mom for me was a no-brainer. After becoming a mom, I thought my life was set. Then once I started going through the process of divorce, reality began to set in and my mental health was affected.  

I felt depressed, like a failure, and all the negative childhood memories that I had suppressed resurfaced. However, I had worked too hard to let this one situation cause me to digress. I started the journey of self-love, self-care, self-awareness, shadow work, and healing, and came up with a system that allowed me to eliminate anxiety, and depression, reduce stress, and increase happiness.  Now I empower others on their journey to self-discovery and healing.

"Very great listener and such a delight to conversate with. The passion for woman's empowerment is undeniable"

- Martin Marino

"Black-owned, knowledgeable, friendly, and super easy to talk to. Literally changed my life!"

- Jasmine Tinsley

"I felt like she was speaking to me as a life coach as well as a friend. Reminding me of the importance of taking care of myself."

- Seaside Sista

Why I Do It

Self-Care is not a term I ever heard growing up. While my mom worked hard to provide for our family, I did not observe them taking time out for herself and tending to her needs. Seeing my mom struggle with self-care and healing inspired me to aim higher. But despite my best efforts, I still found myself drowning in mental illness.

Once I was able to thrive in spite of my mental illness, I realized that the methods I used could help others like me who wanted to live a happy successful life but don't have the framework or tools to make it happen. So I made it my mission to help as many women as possible create healthy habits and a better life for themselves and their families.


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