ย The Empowher Blog: Elevating Women's Voices

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The Susannah Charm

writer Jun 10, 2022

Susannah Harris is a southern fiction and nonfiction short story writer. Although she began writing in 2019, she did not start her business, Susannah Harris Writes until 2021. Her first novel, The Carter Charm is set to debut in the Spring of 2023. The book is a southern soap opera centered around three generations of a farming family. She always has this story in her. The concept stems from collected stories she has either, heard, seen, or experienced over the years. While preparing for the launch of The Carter Charm, Susannah is also working on other writing pieces. "I am working on my second one now. I believe my books will attract all walks of life as there is something in there for everyone. I also like to focus on strong, smart, female characters," Susannah explains. She also posts weekly Sunday Short Stories. You can read them at https://www.susannahharriswrites.com/sunday-short-stories.

Growing up in a household where she was pushed into a logical working world has impacted Susannah’s career. Before writing, she worked in healthcare. "This is such a generational thing, and we are just now seeing a shift in nurturing the innate gifts and creativity we are born with. I try to focus on that with my children- do what you love, and you will never work a day in your life. And I must live it for them to imitate that,” she offered.

"As a writer, my goal is to entertain and hopefully inspire creativity," Harris exclaims. To inspire others, Susannah draws from her own challenging experience as a tool for her creative writing. After 15 years of working in healthcare and living out of alignment with writing allowed Susannah her to connect with her true self once more. " As I taught my children “you can be anything you want to be when you grow up, as long as it makes you happy” I realized that I was not walking in that truth. So, my children sparked it first. I want to create a life that they can mirror for themselves as they grow into adults- finding their true passion and using it as a career," Harris elaborated. Working in the healthcare field amid COIVD took a toll on her mental health. She felt exhausted and burned out due to watching the passing of patients and the aftermath for the families. This experience caused Susannah to pivot quicker than expected in her career. "I was already in the midst of transition, and that was simply the final push I needed- a reminder that life is too short to not do what you love," she expressed.

After rejection after rejection, completing The Carter Charm and getting a publishing deal has been one of Susannah's biggest accomplishments. Surrounding herself with people who have been in the business much longer than she, reminded Harris that it does not matter how many rejections one gets, it only takes one yes.

Challenges occur every day. As an essential worker and mom, Susannah is no stranger to them. "The way I manage it is to take each day at a time. Some will be better than others. I try to have quiet time in the morning where I do a daily devotional and prayer, then a short meditation. This helps me focus on the day," Harris responded.

As many of us mompreneurs know, taking a little time for ourselves can sometimes lead to mom guilt and wanting to take time for us is taking time away from our children. "I know that if I am happy and in alignment, doing what I love, then I will be a better and more present parent. Fear is also a huge challenge- fear of failure or what I like to call living in the “what ifs," Susannah added. With all the many challenges that Susannah has faced, one of the biggest challenges she has faced is rejection. "I've had multiple rejection letters from agents and publishers, some nicer than others. It is truly such a part of a writer’s story. And fear- but my faith and daily meditation help me through this."

Despite every challenge that Susannah has faced she has been able to overcome them. "Rejection is a key component of being a writer. Writing is so subjective, and not every agent or publisher is going to like your work. And sometimes, just getting an agent or publisher to read your email is a huge accomplishment. My morning prayer and meditation help." Self-care in the form of a twenty-minute walk or a hot yoga class on the weekend is Susannah's routine. As mompreneurs, we divide our time between, family, children, business, and friends. Very seldom do we are available for ourselves. "Thankfully, I have a partner who supports this and knows everyone will be happier when I need a minute. As for fear, I truly try to stick to the phrase, “Don’t live in the what ifs.” I did this too long for fear of failure and what if it does not work out. I finally realized that I will never know unless I try and who cares about the what if," Susannah said. This is a motto that she instills in children, not to live in the what-ifs.

Here at Jay's Intuitive Life Coaching and Inspired Healing, LLC we have a saying that we like to use. "Healing is a journey, not a destination." We asked Susannah Harris if she could give moms who aspire to start the businesses and continue their healing journey any advice, what would it be? She offered this, "My advice is that everyone is on their path and their timeline. I honestly believe when you tune into yourself with intentions of authenticity, that things will align as they should and fall into place. And you must take one step at a time and remember that a speed bump along the way is just that- life gets messy and we cannot avoid that. If you stay focused on where you want to go, I honestly believe it will happen. I’m still early on my journey and am excited to see where it goes, even if it's different from what I have planned. "

 If you would like to read some of her writings, you can connect with Susannah on Instagram @SusannahHarrisWrites, via email at [email protected], or visit her website at www.SusannahHarrisWrites.com.

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