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The Phases of the Aquarius Moon

crystal jewelry guidance readings metaphysical store Jun 17, 2022

Lorayna runs a spiritual business, Aquarius Moon Goods & Guidance that specializes in guidance, readings, crystal jewelry, and spiritual goods. Aquarius Moon Goods & Guidance is all about providing the tools and guidance needed to heal, become self-aware, and align with one's higher self.

Lorayna's client is anyone who knows there is more to life. "Someone curious and eager to learn how to become better than they were yesterday. Someone who is or is not afraid of what they have been through but is ready to embrace it and turn it into their superpower," she said.

She reminds people of the light they have inside of them. Through life, that light can be dimmed by others, trauma, situations, and self-sabotaging ways. It is never too late to evolve or heal. Lorayna let her clients know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and hope in every situation. "You can always evolve despite the things one has been through."

Lorayna's healing journey inspired her to start Aquarius Moon Goods and Guidance. She went back to her roots. When she was younger, Lorayna used to spend time digging in the mud and finding rocks. Now years later, she is connecting back to mother earth through crystals and using them to help heal myself and the collective.

The healing journey comes with many challenges. Lorayna knows this firsthand. She chose to leave a relationship that was no longer in her best interest. "I battled with my lower self for a while concerned about what my family and “friends” would think that I decided to “all of a sudden” leave the “happy family” dynamic," she expressed. Most people do not know what goes on behind closed doors. We live in an era where it is easy to believe one picture or sixty-second video captures someone's entire life. This is simply not the case.

As a child, Lorayna used to run from everything without explanation. She had to learn how to acknowledge her emotions instead of ignoring them. "Growing up I thought my emotions weren't valid, but I had to unlearn that. Also finishing what I started used to be something I struggled with and now that I have a Starseed (Daughter) she has pushed me to follow through and become my best and authentic self," she explained.

For Lorayna, she could no longer live a lie. "I chose to not force a situation that was no longer meant to be. Even though I had doubts. Unfortunately, so many of us choose to stay in situations because of the child and in turn, the child grows up seeing two unhappy people sticking together out of fear of facing the truth. Then a light bulb went off that this was my life and I was ultimately responsible for my happiness. If I wasn’t happy, I could not be my best self for my daughter. I chose to pack up my baby and myself and move back with my mother until I could find a new place. I just felt like my future self was calling me to my next stage but that came with some sacrifices. I had to take a step “backward” which was a fear of mine. I had to manage being a mommy, finding a new place in a noticeably brief period, working my then 9-5, running the business, and getting back adapted to living with family," she expressed.

One of Lorayna's biggest challenges was using discernment. "For so long I was just allowing any and everybody to have access to my energy despite how my body would tell on them immediately. Also trusting my intuition and no longer second-guessing myself. I had to get rid of my need for approval from others when I had the answers all along. As soon as I stopped getting other's opinions of how I should live my life and just do what I wanted I got right in alignment with where I needed to be," she realized she was living someone else's idea of what her life should be instead of living how she wanted. "If you felt that in your gut this message is for you. Take your power back and start living how YOU want. Do not let someone else write your story when you are the Author," she offered.

Taking back her power has allowed Lorayna to accomplish so much such as running a business and becoming a mom. "Doing the whole mompreneur thing lol it's no joke, but ultimately being a part of people's journey to self-discovery and self-love it's so powerful because I remember a point in my life where I was completely lost and had no sense of who I was. I remember feeling so worthless and that I was the reason for every heartbreak and betrayal in my life. The fact I was able to face my darkness head-on and let it know that it will no longer consume me was so powerful. I thought that was my fate but the fact I made it out, transmuted it into strength, and can help others makes me so proud," she exclaimed.

With patience, grace, forgiveness, Source, My loved ones and Spirit team and lots of meditation, Lorayna was able to overcome everything that was meant to set her back.

Here at Jay's Intuitive Life Coaching and Inspired Healing, LLC we have a saying that we like to use. "Healing is a journey, not a destination." We asked Lorayna if she could give moms who aspire to start the businesses and continue their healing journey any advice, what would it be? She offered this, "Give yourself Grace, you will have difficulties. You will sometimes take detours but that is OK. What matters is that you dust yourself off and get back on the right path. Do not give up on your dream and do not compare yourself to others just remember your journey is yours and yours only. When you want to give up, look your little one(s) in the eye and remember who you are doing it for. You are their superhero despite everything you have been through. They chose YOU to be their mother, so you are doing something right. Never give up on yourself your Future Self is waiting on you to get what you have been praying for!"

If you are interested in Loryana's products and services, you can connect with her through her website https://www.myaquariusmoon.com/ and on social media through https://linktr.ee/MyAquariusMoon.

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