ย The Empowher Blog: Elevating Women's Voices

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When Patience, Passion, and Prayer Pays Off!

hair extensions Jun 01, 2022

Amber Thornton is the owner of Amor Cabello Collection LLC, a luxury hair extension business established in 2017. Amor Cabello Collection LLC is a high-quality hair extension company that offers many products for women with coarse hair to fine hair. Amor Cabello Collection, LLC supplies all your hair needs and long-lasting hair extensions.

At seven years old, Amber started doing her hair. "I couldn't do a lot with my hair because it is incredibly soft and more on the finer side. I made the best of it," she said. At the tender age of seven, Amber knew she wanted to be in the hair industry. "A girl's hair is her crown. It brings out a fresh look and side of you whether it is a simple ponytail or curls," Amber elaborated.

Amber is enthusiastic about hair and helping women who want to enhance their natural beauty without overdoing it. "It was important to me to create a hairline that matched everyone's hair texture with just the right density for a more natural and flowing appearance," Thornton explained.

 Being in touch with her clients and customers as much as possible is Amber's biggest concern. Understanding their needs and their ultimate hair goal is vital. "By me being so personable, it opened up a close and trusting relationship," she exclaimed. Many of her clients and customers spent tons of money on their hair extensions from top brands. Over time they expressed how the quality changed. Thornton’s hair products are affordable and long-lasting. Compared to the products that her clients have used in the past, Amor Cabello Collection, LLC compares to none.

Amber Thornton’s journey of entrepreneurship and motherhood has not always been a walk in the park. She has had many challenges and roadblocks along the way. When she first started the Amor Cabello Collection, LLC, Amber was a stay-at-home mom. As for many of us, being a mother came before anything else.

"Putting my priorities first and having four young children had me putting my business stuff on the back burner. I would either go back to the drawing board or pick up where I left off. I got discouraged and wanted to quit, but my kids would not let me. They would always be interested in what I was doing or be in the basement with me as I did my client's hair," she explained. Her children watched her put together websites and package orders. Hearing and seeing how excited her children were for her business fueled Amber to keep pushing.

 "With all of this, I was able to finally put everything together in order, which was being a mother first, pouring into my business without feeling guilty which ultimately made me feel relieved from the anxiety and stress of the thought of having to possibly give up my dreams. Once I prioritized everything else fell in place," Thornton insisted. She overcame the challenges she faced with prayer. "That's literally what I did every day. God is my life source. Without him, I would not have been a mother nor had the vision of being a business owner at such an early age.

After being a stay-at-home mom for almost 11 years, Amber finally went back to work. She took a part-time position. "When getting back in the work field, I told myself I have to give this my all because I still had to be there for my kids while building my business. I wanted to continue to grow so this position would help me do just that," Thornton explained. She did not want to stay in a position longer than she had to. She gave herself a timeframe to progress. In less than a year, Amber Thornton was promoted from part-time to full-time. Six months after that, she accepted another promotion. That promotion aided her in getting to where she wanted to go.

The position Amber has now was the hardest for her to get due to the hiring process. She had interview after interview and was still not chosen. It was one of the toughest times in her life both professionally and personally. Nevertheless, she kept pushing, believing, and trusting that in God's timing, the position she truly desired will become hers, and it did. The perfect hours, and the flexibility, all around the position were made for Amber and the lifestyle she currently has.

Here at Jay's Intuitive Life Coaching and Inspired Healing, LLC we have a saying that we like to use. "Healing is a journey, not a destination." We asked Amber Thornton if she could give moms who aspire to start them businesses and continue their healing journey any advice, what would it be? She offered this, "My biggest advice to Moms looking to excel in their business is to never give up. No matter what comes up do not get discouraged and understand setbacks happen. If it is something that you are enthusiastic about and it is your dream nothing will be able to stop, you from fulfilling your vision. Do not let people's opinions or negative stances throw you off. Building a successful business takes time and patience, you are going to find yourself starting over, going back to the drawing board to revamp but it is all a process. Journal, write your vision, and make it plain (Habakkuk 2:2) one of my favorite scriptures that helps me stay focused on my goals & dreams. Have faith and speak only positivity into your life and over your business, keep God first in everything you do, and I promise you you'll see all of your challenging work and dedication pay off."

If you are interested in Amber's services & products, you can visit her website at Amorcabello.com as well as follow us on Instagram & Facebook @Amorcabellocollection. For Mentorship, you can always send me an email at [email protected] and follow me on Instagram @LoveAmberTiara.


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