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Interview with Jewels Kopp: Balancing Business and Self-Care

business coaching Nov 15, 2023

Today, we have the privilege of introducing you to Jewels Kopp, the brilliant mind behind Jewels of Teaching. Since its establishment in 2020, Jewels of Teaching has been a beacon of change, offering compassionate business coaching to women-owned online businesses. Jewels aims to help women entrepreneurs achieve that elusive work-life balance through a holistic approach that combines stress management, time management, and personal growth. This exclusive interview delves into Jewels' inspirational journey and the profound insights she brings to business coaching.

The ABC Framework: Align, Build, Create

At the core of Jewels of Teaching lies a powerful philosophy: "Stress management plus time management equals work-life balance." This guiding principle shapes Jewels' approach to business coaching, and she uses the ABC Framework to put it into practice. The ABC Framework stands for "Align Your Values, Build Your Foundations, Create Consistent Action." It's a tailored approach that acknowledges each business owner's unique needs and goals.

Jewels offer various options for her clients, from DIY workbooks to the support provided within the TBB Membership, hands-on experiences in the Systems Balance Program, and personalized 1:1 coaching sessions. She aims to ensure that every client receives the support that resonates most with them.

Jewels' Target Audience: Women Entrepreneurs

Jewels Kopp primarily works with teacherpreneurs and women entrepreneurs who have been navigating the business landscape for 3 to 5 years. These individuals often reach a point where they yearn for a more balanced work-life equilibrium. Their aspirations include spending quality time with loved ones, overcoming burnout, and gaining the flexibility to work on their terms. However, many of Jewels' clients face common challenges such as perfectionism, people-pleasing tendencies, and various neurodivergent traits, which can impede their progress and overall well-being. Jewels' deep understanding of these struggles stems from her transformative journey.


From Teacher to Entrepreneur: Jewels' Personal Odyssey

Jewels embarked on her entrepreneurial journey in response to a critical turning point. Her teaching career had pushed her to the brink of burnout, reaching its climax when she found herself physically crawling across the floor, desperately trying to make it to work. This harrowing experience led to urgent care visits and, eventually, a panic attack in the classroom. Realizing the urgency of change, Jewels began a profound journey of self-discovery.

Through extensive research on stress management and the intricate relationship between productivity and rest, she founded Jewels of Teaching initially to support fellow teachers facing similar challenges. However, it didn't take long for her to recognize that her habits and tendencies affected her entrepreneurial journey, much like they had impacted her teaching career. This realization prompted Jewels to pursue personal growth and develop strategies that promote sustainable businesses and allow individuals to thrive. She became her test subject, implementing the techniques she now shares with others. Her lived experiences uniquely position her to empathize with the overwhelming feeling of an ever-expanding to-do list and the pivotal role of seeking help, not just from a financial perspective but also through a profound shift in mindset.


The CEO Mindset and Surmounting Challenges

Jewels emphasize that being a business owner fundamentally hinges on mindset. The transition to a CEO mindset requires time and effort, often surpassing the time spent acquiring technical skills such as setting up systems or managing a website. Overcoming perfectionism, people-pleasing tendencies, and limiting beliefs is crucial in this transformative journey. For Jewels, this transformation involved embracing overwhelm, listening to her body, and designing systems that promote balance. She acknowledges that adopting a CEO mindset is an ongoing journey, requiring patience and self-compassion. She has faced challenges, including doubting her work and underpricing her services due to fear. However, with the shift in mindset, everything changed, allowing her to structure her business to facilitate her desired work-life balance.

Meaningful Milestones Transcending Monetary Gains

When inquiring about her most significant accomplishments, Jewels Kopp's response embodies the essence of her compassionate approach to business coaching. For Jewels, true success extends far beyond monetary gains. It's encapsulated in the heartfelt moments, the personal transformations, and the tangible impact she has on her clients' lives. The memory of her first sale, the excitement of the first member joining her membership, and the sincere reviews of her work hold a profound place in her heart. These milestones are not mere markers of financial achievement but testaments to the meaningful connections she forges and the positive changes she facilitates.

For Jewels, her clients' success and well-being are paramount. Her accomplishments are inextricably linked to the moments when she witnessed her clients thriving, finding balance, and achieving their goals. These moments serve as a reminder of the profound influence she wields as a business coach and the transformative power of her guidance. Jewels' dedication to making a genuine difference in the lives of women entrepreneurs is her driving force, and these milestones validate her unwavering commitment to her mission.

Overcoming Challenges: Consistency and Mindset

Jewels Kopp's candid acknowledgment of entrepreneurs' challenges, such as maintaining consistency, nurturing a positive mindset, and forging their distinctive path, resonates deeply with those navigating the entrepreneurial landscape. Jewels place a premium on authenticity in a world often saturated with conventional practices and industry norms. She recognizes authenticity as a powerful differentiator and key to forming genuine client connections. By encouraging individuals to stay true to themselves, she empowers them to embrace their unique strengths, visions, and values rather than conforming to external expectations.

In championing authenticity, Jewels inspires her clients to chart a course that aligns with their authentic selves. This approach enables them to build businesses that reflect their passions and aspirations, fostering a deeper connection between entrepreneurs and their work. By acknowledging and navigating challenges from a place of authenticity, Jewels equips her clients with the tools and mindset needed to overcome obstacles and achieve lasting success on their terms. Her emphasis on staying true to oneself is a guiding principle and a powerful source of empowerment for those she coaches.

Personal Growth and Entrepreneurship

Jewels recognizes the profound influence of her upbringing and past traumatic experiences on her entrepreneurial journey. Her battles with people-pleasing tendencies, perfectionism, and chronic stress have been enduring challenges. However, she has developed the ability to work collaboratively with her inner child to meet her needs and prioritize self-care. This inner work revolutionized her approach to business.

In closing, Jewels Kopp's story is one of transformation, resilience, and unwavering commitment to empowering women entrepreneurs to strike a harmonious balance between their business and personal lives. Her journey is a source of inspiration, illustrating that success in entrepreneurship is as much about personal growth and self-compassion as it is about business acumen. To connect with Jewels and discover more about her compassionate business coaching services, visit Jewels of Teaching.

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