ย The Empowher Blog: Elevating Women's Voices

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If at First, You Don't Succeed...

digital marketing Aug 10, 2022

Claire launched Hoots Digital Marketing in January of 2020 so that I could connect with business owners. She loves to do anything she can to help promote other businesses so that they can do what they are good! Hoots Digital Marketing offers website photography and headshots. Claire creates a lot of graphics for business owners. "I’m a web developer with Squarespace and I enjoy creating a website that a small business owner can be proud of. I have a coaching course where I teach the basics of Instagram so that business owners can feel confident in what they are posting and where to post it. I manage social media accounts," she stated.

Claire's enthusiasm for what she does can be seen by all who work with her and who she works with. "Now that I’m doing what I’m doing with Hoots Digital Marketing, I realize how this was planted in my heart years before it ever came to life. I do not think I even realized what I was dreaming about back then, but I have always had an interest in small businesses. I have always loved to create beautiful art with text… and now I have the skills to do just that. Even before I had kids, I knew that I wanted something flexible so that I can swirl life and work all into one," she exclaims.

Claire's goal is to make her clients’ lives a little easier. "I like to learn their vision, learn what makes them go and how they’re different from their competitors, and then run with it. When we get to a place where they say, “Yep. Just do what you think is best! I see where you are going with it, and it is perfect.” That is when we hit the sweet spot. It is never like that in week one or the first project together but when we get to that place where they can take some things off their plate… that is when I feel like I have made an impact. Not only are we bringing more people through the doors (or to their website), but they are also able to spend their time focusing on something else," she explains. Her passion for helping others truly shines through in the work she does with business owners.

As we all know, life comes with challenges. Many of those challenges can create a longing in our hearts. One of Claire's challenges is one that many of us take for granted, becoming a mom. " I battled infertility before both of my children were born and I walked through the grief of a miscarriage. I was told that I had a 3% chance of conception. God used those years and those tears to shape me as a mom. I have a different approach than I would not have if I had gotten pregnant right when I wanted to. I begged God to give me children and I will never be the same because of the gifts He handed me," she expressed.

Motherhood has its difficulties. The sleepless nights, feeding schedules, attitudes, and temper tantrums can make a stressful day more stressful. Imagine dealing with the stressors of being a mom and running a business. Claire has struggled at times with doing both." Balancing kids and work simultaneously are never easy. I am thankful that I get to do it, but it wipes me out some days," she said.

Through her faith and support system, Claire has been able to overcome it all. "I’ve overcome have been because of my faith and my support system. God sometimes walks me down a road that I am not vibing with, but we always get to a point where I can see why. Some of the most beautiful steps forward have come from hardship.

When I encounter a bump in the road, I often need some time to feel all the things about it. And then I get to a point where I analyze what I need to do or what the pivot looks like.

My husband is my biggest fan, and his ideas are usually things I wouldn’t have produced on my own so it’s really helpful to have feedback from someone who operates so differently from me."

Claire's positive mindset allows her to use things that could have been setbacks as a launchpad for something even better. "I work every week to create a family culture that’s a good fit for us — it ebbs and flows; some weeks it’s heavy on fun and other weeks it’s heavy on work. I am proud that my kids can see me dream big and work hard and learn that challenging work is a good thing. I am proud that so many of my clients are through referrals. They often tell me that their friend, neighbor, or brother utilized my services, and they want too also."

Here at Jay's Intuitive Life Coaching and Inspired Healing, LLC we have a saying that we like to use, "Healing is a journey, not a destination." We asked Claire if she could give moms who aspire to start their businesses and continue their healing journey any advice, what would it be? She offered this, "I love this approach. My advice is to get back up and try again. No matter how successful you are, you will have things that knock you down so pushing past those things is essential to success. And make sure you are connecting with the right people! People who get what you are going through and have the same mindset you do. When you get knocked down, they will help pull you back up!"

If you would like to connect with Claire, you can do so through the following:

Instagram: hootsdigitalmarketing

Website: HootsDigitalMarketing.com

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