The Empowher Blog: Elevating Women's Voices

Welcome to The Empowher Blog, where diverse voices and remarkable journeys of women worldwide are celebrated. Through storytelling, we inspire and uplift women from all walks of life, amplifying their achievements in business, leadership, technology, arts, health, and beyond. With in-depth interviews and thought-provoking articles, we foster connection and empowerment, providing a supportive space for women to share experiences and insights. 

Gaining a New Revelation!

culinary coach Aug 22, 2022

Maria DeRosa is a healthy-aging and culinary coach. She offers hope to women in their second chapter of life, who have experienced an emotional, physical, or financial loss. "We heal through cooking in a safe community setting." She has been operating as a health coach for over 7 years. Before becoming a coach, Maria owned a restaurant for 28 years. Before that, she taught high school Spanish for almost 11 years. When asked how she started in the industry, DeRosa explains, "I sat down with myself after several months of therapy & grief study…and asked myself: What is it that Maria loves and does well? ANSWER: I love to cook; I love to teach, and I know how to inspire others having run a restaurant. The rest was up to me to put passion to work for the service of others." 

Through her business, DeRosa is a speaker for the platform of addiction. She also provides in-person Masterclasses.  She is now offering recipes on her website . Her podcast will be launching soon. Additionally, she offers a platform for one-on-one coaching online or in person along with small group classes. Maria's years of participation in the fellowship of Al-anon, her understanding of pain, her willingness to listen, and certification as a Law of Attraction Coach give those women who have suffered through trauma or loss due to having been affected deeply by someone dealing with addiction, abuse, or alcohol a safe feeling of anonymity, and respect some hope for the future. 

Throughout her life, Maria has faced many challenges. In running a business, DeRosa struggles with the investment of money. "Taking a risk that no matter how much effort you put in do NOT get discouraged. I know it takes a serious investment of capital to make a business work. It was 7 years before our restaurant started making some profit. So, my “new me” I know will take some time." 

Having experienced loss in the second chapter of DeRosa's life, left her with little to no income due to the divorce with a partner dealing with addiction. "My kids were very worried about me. Yet, as adults with their own families, I could not and would not accept them “saving” me.” It was sad seeing them so concerned about me, nevertheless, it empowered me to BE even more of a woman –entrepreneur than ever before," she explains. 

Each of us is a work in progress. "WE never arrive, and we will never get it all done. The experience of living life and living our passion is to enjoy the journey. Being a perfectionist and a tad impatient can create mind crazies," Maria advises.  

The biggest challenge she has faced was learning how to let go of the fear of having no sound financial security. "Having had so much taken from me in the past …. if  I forget often that the universe has my back. All is well when I accept good graciously into my life. I tell myself: “believe and know you are deserving of having all your needs met, Maria," she explains. 

By constantly working on herself with a personal coach as well as good habits such as meditating, journaling, and cooking for others, Maria was able to overcome these challenges. Because of this, she has been able to be the best mom she could be, run a marathon at the age of sixty-four, survive a divorce and meet the partner of her dreams, and create Ladies of the Kitchen. 

Here at Jay's Intuitive Life Coaching and Inspired Healing, LLC we have a saying that we like to use, "Healing is a journey, not a destination." We asked Maria DeRosa if she could give moms who aspire to start their businesses and continue their healing journey any advice, what would it be? She offered this, "Never stop being a student of life. Find a mentor or a coach and learn all you can from them. YOU may have several on the journey and that is ok …. just listen & LEARN!! As Mandela said: There are NO losses in life, only WINS and lessons learned." 

If you would like to connect with Maria, you can do so through:  







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