The Empowher Blog: Elevating Women's Voices

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From Engineering to Empowerment: Malikah Greene’s Mission to Support Mompreneurs

Aug 02, 2024

At The EmpowHer Blog, we are dedicated to celebrating women making a significant impact in their industries and communities. Today, we are excited to feature an inspiring interview with Malikah Greene, a money management mentor who has recently significantly shifted her business focus. Malikah 's story is one of resilience, preparation, and a passion for helping moms transition from corporate jobs to full-time entrepreneurship.

Introducing Malikah Greene

Malikah Greene is a dynamic money management mentor who has recently shifted her business focus to assist 9-to-5 corporate moms in transitioning to full-time entrepreneurship. Malikah ’s journey is deeply personal and rooted in her own experience of making a significant career shift.

A Journey Rooted in Personal Experience

Three years ago, Malikah faced a pivotal moment when she was laid off from her job. With a background in chemical engineering, Malikah had been preparing for something more fulfilling. She had just had her first child six months before the layoff and had been diligently saving her extra income, knowing she would eventually need the funds for a new venture. 

"I always knew there was something more out there for me," Malikah shares. "When I got laid off, I decided to spend time with my son and build up my business. I wanted to help other moms do the same."

Malikah observed many single moms who aspired to become full-time business owners but were held back by financial constraints. Recognizing this need, she decided to focus her efforts on helping moms create and execute exit plans to transition smoothly into entrepreneurship.

The Shift to Helping Moms

Malikah 's transition from her previous career to becoming a money management mentor was driven by her desire to support other moms facing similar challenges. Her own meticulous planning and financial preparation had enabled her to leap, and she wanted to provide others with the same opportunity.

"I saw a lot of moms, especially single moms, who wanted to become full-time entrepreneurs or transition to a different career but couldn't because their finances wouldn't allow it. My goal is to make that transition easier for them," she explains.

Key Challenges for Transitioning Moms

Malikah identifies several common challenges that moms face when transitioning from a corporate job to entrepreneurship:

  • Financial Security: Maintaining household financial stability while growing a new business can be challenging. Preparing financially for this transition is crucial.
  • Time Management: Balancing business tasks with family responsibilities requires careful scheduling and time management.
  • Lack of Support: Many moms lack the necessary support systems to help them through the transition.
  • Burnout: Overworking can lead to burnout, making it essential to set boundaries and prioritize self-care.

Practical Tips for Aspiring Mompreneurs

For moms who are just starting their entrepreneurial journeys without adequate preparation, Malikah offers practical advice:

  1.  Start Small and Organize: Begin by organizing your finances and understanding your numbers. Start saving a small percentage of your profits now.
  2.  Schedule Wisely: Plan your day as you would like it to be post-transition. Allocate specific times for business, family, and personal care to prevent burnout.
  3.  Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries to balance your work and personal life effectively.

The Importance of Self-Care

Malikah emphasizes the importance of self-care in achieving entrepreneurial success. She shares her personal experience of taking vacations and scheduling time off to just do nothing so you can recharge and maintain productivity. "The correlation between success and the time you work is not as prevalent as the quality of work you put out," she notes. 

Building a Supportive Network

In addition to financial planning and self-care, Malikah stresses the importance of building a supportive network. She encourages moms to connect with like-minded women and seek mentorship and collaboration opportunities.

Connecting with Malikah Greene

For those interested in learning more about Malikah Greene’s services or connecting with her, 


Malikah Greene’s journey from corporate employee to money management mentor is an inspiring example of resilience and determination. Her passion for helping moms achieve their entrepreneurial dreams is truly commendable. At The EmpowHer Blog, we celebrate Malikah ’s achievements and look forward to seeing her continue to empower and support moms in their entrepreneurial journeys. 

Join the Conversation

If you are a mom ready right now to transition from a corporate job to entrepreneurship and are seeking guidance on how to create and execute a financial plan to exit with confidence, connect with Malikah Greene today. Join us in celebrating and supporting women who are making significant strides in their personal and professional lives.


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