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From Beekeeper to Honeybee Health Coach!

health coach Jun 15, 2022

Beth Olmstead is the Founder of Honeybee Health Coach, PLLC. She is an RN health coach transitioning from working within several physician groups in Michigan to operating her private practice.

Due to requiring more of a work-life balance. Beth has decided to branch out on her own. "I'm initially focusing on education for pre-diabetics or newly diagnosed type 2s to give them the tools to help make lifestyle modifications to reverse or significantly slow the disease progression," she explained. With that in mind, she launched her 12-week self-study course.

The course is based on the concept of small, slow, sustainable changes that her clients have lifetime access to. With lifetime access, they have access to updated information, tools, and resources. Her course includes a Facebook community of like-minded members working on the same transformations and weekly hour live coaching sessions during the 12 weeks with optional extensions.

Beth has always been a caregiver. Anyone who meets her would say she is friendly, warm, inviting, and compassionate. She extends these traits to clients. "Everyone starts at a different place, but reducing A1C and blood sugars is the goal. Often that comes with some weight loss, more energy, and less brain fog. Some people need extra accountability to make changes. Some people do not have support at home to make changes, so I want to offer that safe, supportive place," Olmstead explained.

Launching a business is not easy. As many of us mompreneurs know, we are often pulled between motherhood, work, business, and needing time. Beth is no different. "Some days, everything feels like a challenge. I am still collaborating with the physicians while getting my business. We depend on my income, so I cannot just walk away. I have not been able to secure business loans because I have not been in business long enough (hello – it is a start-up loan!), and I do not currently make enough money to float another line of credit," she said.

"The kids want to go to parks or the library, but I'm either working for someone else, doing research, or working on my own business. When the kids get up in the morning, they look for me in the office to tell me they are awake. When the kids go to bed at night, I return to the office to work on more educational videos, personal development as a business owner, or marketing. It has been four months of long days to get to this point, plus the two months of more relaxed research."

Apart from sacrificing sleep and time with her children, finances have been the biggest obstacle on Beth's road to becoming a business owner. "I could have paid someone to do most of everything much faster and (potentially) much less time-consuming on my end, but I couldn't afford it. So, I have been deep in the trenches the whole time," she elaborated.

Although challenging, one of her most significant accomplishments in launching her business has been filing the appropriate paperwork and obtaining business insurance. In Beth's case, the business

insurance was significantly more expensive than her prior nursing insurance. The paperwork entailed filings with the Board of Nursing and the Secretary of State). As many business owners know, the process can be lengthy.

Even with the odds against her, she kept pushing. "I do bits and pieces where I can afford—$ 200 per pay period to get the help and resources I need. Otherwise, I look for podcasts, YouTube, and Facebook support avenues to learn what I need to know… and inevitably discover even more I do not know," Beth explains. She has always been a person who loves to prove people wrong. If you tell her she cannot do it, she will do everything she can to prove otherwise. Research has shown that approximately 20% of businesses fail in the first year. "I have passion and drive. As Katy Perry says, "You're going to hear me ROAR."

Here at Jay's Intuitive Life Coaching and Inspired Healing, LLC, we have a saying that we like to use. "Healing is a journey, not a destination." We asked Beth Olmstead if she could give any advice to moms who aspire to start businesses and continue their healing journey; what would it be? She said, "I know I have more worth than my employer puts in my bank account. My time, energy, and passion are worth so much more. My time with my kids is worth so much more. I'm working to prove to them that their time is worth more than that paycheck."

Despite all the challenges she had to face, Beth has officially launched her coaching business, Honeybee Health Coach, PLLC. If you would like to learn more about how you can cure your diabetes diagnosis, you can connect with Beth on Instagram @honeybeehealthcoach, Facebook at Facebook.com/HoneybeeHealthCoach, or check out her link tree, honeybeehealthcoach.ac-page.com/hbhc-links

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