ย The Empowher Blog: Elevating Women's Voices

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Following The Yarn, Out Of The Darkness

crochet items Jul 27, 2022

Since the spring of 2020, Naomi Kranz runs a business called Snugglebug  , a handmade crochet items business. If you can dream it, she can make it. "While I do enjoy making just about everything, I love making toys, baby blankets, and little hats. There is a type of crochet called amigurumi and that is my personal favorite. It is a style often used to make adorable toys," Naomi said.

She makes an impact on her clients by being personable and friendly. "I love to find out about my customers, more than just what color they want their blankets or how many shells they want for their turtle," Kranz explained.


Naomi's son was the inspiration for her starting Snugglebug  . "Our firstborn was an extremely difficult baby, we recently learned that it’s because he has autism spectrum disorder and hyperactivity. When he was six months old, I was looking for any way that I could bring something into our life, no matter how small, that would make him smile. He cried a lot and so did I." While struggling with postpartum depression, anxiety, and OCD, Naomi turned to Pinterest. She found an article about how a ball is the best toy you can give your baby. "In the article, it mentioned that you could crochet different textured balls. “I can crochet, “I thought to myself, and I dug out my old hooks and yarn. The rest is history," Naomi elaborates.

Kranz has always known that she wanted to be a mom. However, becoming a small business owner was never on her to-do list. When the reality of being a single-income family struck, Naomi started looking for ways to earn a little income. "None of them suited me so finding crochet and being able to turn it into a business, was a total gift from God."

Kranz is no stranger to challenges. Mental health has always been a challenge for her. "Balancing that with exceedingly high needs kids is beyond exhausting and draining. Before the end of every day, I have already given 110% of myself and the demands keep coming. Relying on God and my husband to help me get through each day is my only hope. At the end of the day being able to sit with my hook and yarn for a little bit while the children sleep is the prize at the end of each day. With a high-needs three-year-old and one-year-old, life can become a bit hectic," she explains. As for us mompreneurs know, finding time to work between, diaper changes, meltdowns, and nap times, all while being a wife can seem impossible. "My husband is a huge help and makes sure that I am prioritizing my business when I can, even if I’m having a bad self-image day and feel like it’s probably not worth doing. He is my biggest cheerleader, my number one fan, and my biggest supporter in all the world," Naomi exclaimed. With the love and support of her husband, Michael, she can overcome these challenges.

With challenges come accomplishments. Some of the most meaningful goals that Naomi has been able to achieve is getting over three hundred Instagram followers. "I was stuck at 195 forever! I started recently doing a little bit of networking which scared the living daylights out of me, but I have already cultivated a new friendship in it and business partnership, so that is exciting. maybe when my friends started recognizing that I am the crochet lady and started coming to me when they wanted something made instead of just posting about how they wish they knew someone who could make it. but really, for me every stitch is meaningful. Every step towards a clearer, healthier, healed future is symbolized in every loop and stitch. It is all meant to me," she expressed.

 Here at Jay's Intuitive Life Coaching and Inspired Healing, LLC we have a saying that we like to use. "Healing is a journey, not a destination." We asked Naomi Kranz if she could give moms who aspire to start the businesses and continue their healing journey any advice, what would it be? She offered this "Prioritize yourself and your mental health as number one. You cannot work, serve your family, raise your little ones, or contribute to your business if you are completely depleted. Sometimes that might mean not taking an order or stepping away for a little while, but that is OK! Second, prioritize your business. It is not just a hobby, it is part of who you are, and if you neglect that you are neglecting yourself. I think for a lot of moms, our businesses are also part of our identity, and we must remember not to measure our self-worth by our productivity. Sometimes the kids are more demanding than our clients- most of the time our kids are more demanding than our clients – OK ALL the time our kids are more demanding than our clients! Do not try and do it all, remember you are a mom first but before that you are YOU! "

If you are interested in Naomi Kranz products, you can connect with her through Instagram: @Snugglebug_Crochet and Facebook: @Snugglebug.Crochet.

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