ย The Empowher Blog: Elevating Women's Voices

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Finding the Voice Within

virtual assistance Jun 20, 2022

Mkaysvirtuals, a virtual assisting business is owned and operated by Mkay. She collaborates with entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and mompreneurs taking on their tasks so they could work with ease. Mkaysvirtuals aim to take on a load of tasks.

My business aims to take on a load of tasks from other diligent workers like myself, so they have enough time to spend with family and loved ones and not have to spend too much. "They need to work and be financially independent, help other people like me, and also have enough time to spend with my family is why I started my business," Mkay explains.

By giving 100 percent to deliver the job the way here, she can make an impact on her clients. "Honesty is my watchword. If I cannot manage the tasks, I tell you I cannot," she elaborates.

As a mompreneur living in Nigeria, Mkay had to face many challenges. "I come from a family of women being single parents and transferring the anger to their kids in form of verbal abuses, but I was determined to raise my child to know she is loved," Mkay said. She watched the women in her family struggle financially. The elevated levels of stress manifested into anger issues. "I just decided that I will be different, complete my education and make myself financially stable and also build a Godly home," Mkay expressed. She can still remember her grandmother calling her names and saying some extremely hurtful words to her. She knew that she did not want to be financially frustrated to the point where she might have to lash out angrily at her child or anyone. This experience with trauma fuels her determination to raise her daughter differently and with love.

Despite the challenges she faced, MKay has overcome them all. She learned how to balance. By doing a little at a time, she can prevent herself from becoming overwhelmed. Knowing that she did not want to be like the women she grew up with helped Mkay find the voice within.

Here at Jay's Intuitive Life Coaching and Inspired Healing, LLC we have a saying that we like to use. "Healing is a journey, not a destination." We asked Mkay if she could give moms who aspire to start the businesses and continue their healing journey any advice, what would it be? She offered this, " you can do it. It might seem so hard but trust me it is achievable. There will be a lot of hardship on the way but maintain your tenacity and jump through all of it. You're going to be okay."

If you are interested in Mkay's services, you can connect with her through Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mkaysvirtuals/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mkay-ekanem-freelancer

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