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Finding Purpose in Passion: An Interview with Monique, Founder of Mo Counseling

therapy Jun 11, 2024

In the bustling world of female entrepreneurship, it's always inspiring to meet women who have turned their personal experiences into a driving force for helping others. One such woman is Monique, the owner and operator of Mo Counseling. Recently, I had the privilege of interviewing Monique, diving deep into her motivations, her unique approach to therapy, and how she integrates her Christian faith into her practice.


Embracing Spirituality in Counseling


Monique's journey into the world of therapy is rooted deeply in her Christian faith. She sees her spirituality as an integral part of her work, guiding her to view each child not just as a client, but as a whole person with layers that include their spiritual well-being. "I want them to have healthy minds, healthy bodies, and be healthy spiritually," she shared. This holistic approach allows Monique to connect with her clients on a deeper level, creating a safe and nurturing environment where children can truly be themselves.


The Power of Authenticity


One of the most profound aspects of Monique's counseling philosophy is her commitment to authenticity. She believes that healing begins when individuals, especially children, are allowed to express their true selves. "I want them to come as they are and just be themselves. When they are themselves, the whole world opens up," she explained. This genuine approach fosters a sense of trust and openness, crucial for effective therapy.


Addressing Childhood Trauma


Working with children who have experienced significant trauma can be incredibly challenging. Monique uses creative therapy methods, including games and art, to help children feel comfortable and express their emotions. However, she also knows that these methods aren't always enough. In such cases, she focuses on simply being present and engaging in conversation, asking gentle questions to help the child feel seen and heard. "Sometimes, just asking 'How are you?' or 'How was school?' can make a world of difference," Monique noted.


The Importance of Self-Care


Monique is a strong advocate for self-care, both for children and adults. She emphasizes that self-care is about finding what genuinely helps you feel better, whether listening to music, going for walks, or simply taking a moment to breathe. This is a message she believes should be taught from a young age. "You have to demonstrate self-care to your children. How do you expect them to know what it is if they don't see it in you?" she pointed out.


Finding Purpose Through Pain


Monique's dedication to helping children is deeply personal. Growing up in a home affected by a difficult divorce, she experienced feelings of loneliness and abandonment. Her journey through therapy inspired her to become a therapist and ensure that no child feels alone in their struggles. "I want them to feel they're not on their own," she said, reflecting on her mission.


Advice for Aspiring Female Entrepreneurs


For those looking to follow in her footsteps, Monique's advice is clear: be consistent and passionate. "If it's a God-given gift, keep at it. No matter what people say or what circumstances you face, keep doing what you love," she encouraged. Consistency and passion are the keys to turning a dream into reality.


Connecting with Monique


If you want to learn more about Monique and her work, you can find her on Instagram at @mocounselling. She offers free consultations, providing a chance to see if her approach is the right fit for you or your child.


Monique's story is a powerful reminder of the impact that passion, authenticity, and faith can have on our professional lives. Her commitment to helping children heal and thrive is truly inspiring, and her approach offers valuable insights for anyone looking to make a difference in their field.

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