The Empowher Blog: Elevating Women's Voices

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Embracing Authenticity and Overcoming Perfectionism: Rhonda Johnson's Empowerment Journey

Jul 14, 2024

At EmpowHer, we are passionate about highlighting the journeys of remarkable women who inspire and empower others through their unique experiences. Recently, we had the pleasure of interviewing Rhonda Johnson, the founder of Limitless Empowerment with Rhonda Jay. Rhonda’s mission is to help professional women and entrepreneurs overcome perfectionism, people-pleasing, and the superwoman myth that often leads to burnout. Here’s a look into Rhonda’s world and the invaluable wisdom she shared with us.

Breaking Free from Perfectionism and People-Pleasing

Rhonda Johnson’s journey is deeply rooted in her personal experiences with perfectionism and people-pleasing. These struggles inspired her to create a five-step process designed to help professional women set boundaries, delegate tasks, and practice self-care. “As we get older, preventing burnout and stepping out of those molds become crucial,” Rhonda explains.

Lighten Your Load 5-Step Framework

Rhonda’s comprehensive five-step process for empowerment includes:

  1. Setting Boundaries: Learning to say no and protecting your time and energy.
  2. Delegating Tasks: Understanding that you don’t have to do everything yourself.
  3. Practicing Self-Care: Prioritizing your well-being to maintain your energy and passion.
  4. Staying Connected: Building and maintaining a supportive network.
  5. Focusing on Control: Concentrating on what you can control and letting go of the rest.

Additionally, Rhonda offers her clients access to a virtual assistant, which has been a game-changer in managing social media, scheduling, and brainstorming.

The Importance of Identifying Feelings

A significant part of Rhonda’s self-care routine involves identifying and acknowledging her feelings. She emphasizes the importance of using tools like feelings word lists to give emotions a voice. “Understanding why you feel a certain way is powerful. It holds you accountable for doing something about it,” Rhonda explains.

Overcoming Cultural Conditioning

Rhonda also discusses the cultural conditioning that teaches women, especially women of color, to put others before themselves. This ingrained belief can make setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care feel almost blasphemous. “We owe it to ourselves to connect and hold each other up,” she says, advocating for a supportive community over a competitive one.

Collaboration Over Competition

Rhonda’s approach aligns with our values at EmpowHer, where we believe in collaboration over competition. She acknowledges that while she and others in the field may offer similar services, each brings a unique perspective that can resonate differently with various individuals.

Addressing Trauma in Entrepreneurship

Rhonda notes that many entrepreneurs, particularly women, start businesses as a way to address personal traumas. However, while their businesses may solve specific issues, they often don’t address the emotional dysregulation that comes with trauma. This realization led Rhonda to focus on self-care and personal development as foundational elements for sustained success.

The Impact of COVID-19

COVID-19 has had a profound impact on mental health, especially for entrepreneurs. Rhonda highlights the collective trauma experienced during the pandemic and its ongoing effects on the business world. This motivated her to pivot her focus and provide even more support to those struggling with the aftermath.

Creating a Safe Space

Rhonda’s ultimate goal is to create a safe space for women to acknowledge their struggles and seek help without judgment. “It’s okay not to be okay, but it’s not okay to stay there,” she affirms, emphasizing the importance of addressing mental health openly and honestly.

Connect with Rhonda Johnson

For those interested in joining Rhonda’s community or learning more about her coaching services, you can:

In her Facebook group, Rhonda offers webinars, a people-pleasing and perfectionist quiz, and a space to connect and support one another.

Rhonda Johnson’s dedication to empowering women by addressing the root causes of burnout and perfectionism is both inspiring and essential. Her approach to self-care and boundary-setting offers a comprehensive way to ensure women can thrive in their personal and professional lives. At EmpowHer, we celebrate Rhonda’s contributions and look forward to sharing more stories of women who are making a difference in their communities and beyond.

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