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Embracing Art and Spirituality: The Journey of Marie's Intuitive Arts

art therapist May 25, 2024

In a world where creativity meets healing, Marie's venture, Intuitive Arts with Marie, stands as a beacon for those seeking solace and self-discovery through art. Based in Boston, MA, with roots in Philadelphia, Marie's journey from art educator to a spiritual coach intertwines her rich background in teaching, her spiritual journey, and her innovative approach to art therapy.

A Journey of Passion and Purpose

Marie’s background as an art educator laid the foundation for her current path. Over the years, she transitioned from traditional teaching to exploring her spiritual side, which led to the creation of Intuitive Arts with Marie. This unique venture blends art therapy, coaching, and spiritual guidance to help individuals unlock their true potential and overcome personal barriers.

"Combining everything I learned into intuitive arts, it's kind of like art therapy meets coaching meets helping people figure out how to get to the core of what's blocking them and help them live their best life," says Marie.


From Teaching to Transforming Lives

Marie’s impact began in educational settings, particularly through youth programs that combined poetry and art. These programs allowed teenagers to express their stories, inspiring Marie to expand her efforts beyond the classroom. Her initial art programs received overwhelmingly positive feedback, highlighting the profound effect of creative expression on mental health.

"The feedback I got was so much more than I expected, like how it helped people with their mental health, which ultimately inspired me to pursue an art therapy degree," Marie shares, emphasizing the transformative power of art.

The Power of Empathy and Intuition

Marie works with a diverse range of clients, from children and teens to adults, helping them navigate transitions and life challenges. Her empathetic approach resonates particularly with individuals on their spiritual journeys, often attracting those who are empaths or undergoing significant life changes.

"I find people that are kind of on their spiritual journey. They're usually going through a life transition, and our paths always end up crossing," she explains. Marie's sessions are not just about talk therapy but involve art, intuition, and self-discovery to help clients align with their purpose.

Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Growth

Marie identifies facing herself and her insecurities as the most significant challenge in her journey. Overcoming personal trauma and adopting a mindset of ownership and healing were crucial steps. She emphasizes the importance of doing the "inner work," which involves addressing and healing from past experiences.


"Facing myself was the biggest challenge. It's all about taking ownership, facing what happened, and healing from it," Marie reflects. She advocates for nurturing the inner child and addressing deep-rooted issues to achieve genuine transformation.

Guiding Others Through Rain

 Marie uses the acronym RAIN (Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Nurture) to guide her clients through difficult times. This method encourages individuals to acknowledge their emotions, allow themselves to feel, investigate the root causes, and nurture their inner selves.

"Recognize your situation, allow your emotions, investigate where it's coming from, and nurture yourself," Marie advises. This holistic approach fosters self-awareness and promotes healing from within.

Inspiring Future Entrepreneurs

 Marie’s advice to aspiring female entrepreneurs and those looking to integrate art into their business is simple yet profound: "Don't be afraid to shine your light." She encourages authenticity and warns against playing small due to fear of judgment.

"Shine your light and don't be afraid to just speak up," she says, highlighting the importance of being true to oneself and pursuing one's dreams unapologetically.

Connecting with Marie

 For those interested in Marie’s services or seeking collaboration, she is most accessible through her Instagram handle, @intuitiveartswithmarie. Here, potential clients can set up a call or direct message her to explore how they can work together.

Marie’s journey from an art educator to a spiritual coach and therapist exemplifies the transformative power of art and empathy. Her story is a testament to the impact of following one's passion and using it to uplift and heal others. Through Intuitive Arts with Marie, she continues to inspire and guide individuals toward self-discovery and fulfillment.


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