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Divine Wealth: How Marcia Armstrong is Redefining Financial Freedom with Faith

financial strategist Jul 14, 2024

At EmpowHer, we are dedicated to spotlighting the journeys of exceptional women who inspire and empower others through their unique experiences. Recently, we had the privilege of interviewing Marcia Armstrong, a personal finance disruptor, whose mission is to help people see money from a biblical perspective and build generational wealth. Here’s a glimpse into Marcia’s world and the invaluable insights she shared with us.

A New Perspective on Money

Marcia Armstrong is passionate about transforming how people perceive and manage their finances. “My superpower is helping people to see money differently—not from a worldly perspective, but from a biblical one,” Marcia explains. She focuses on educating, equipping, and empowering corporate professionals and entrepreneurs with strategic financial solutions to generate wealth and create lasting legacies.

Building Wealth from a Biblical Perspective

Marcia emphasizes that money is a resource, not a source. “God is the source of everything we have, and He has given us stewardship over these resources,” she says. Understanding money as a resource means it is not something to be worshipped but managed wisely under God’s guidance. The Bible speaks about having multiple streams of income and the importance of proper management of our finances.

Overcoming the Spirit of Poverty

“Poverty is a spirit,” Marcia states, highlighting that it’s often a generational issue. She explains that poverty can stem from inherited mindsets and behaviors, making it crucial to understand and break these cycles. “If you know who you are and your purpose, money in your hands can do so much more,” she asserts. Knowing one’s identity and purpose allows for proper stewardship of finances, leading to wealth creation and financial freedom.

The Importance of Identity and Purpose

Marcia shares her journey of discovering her identity and purpose through her relationship with God. She encourages others to seek a personal relationship with God to understand their unique gifts and talents. “You need to heal from your traumas to serve effectively,” she advises, emphasizing that unresolved issues can spill over into business and personal life. Marcia’s focus is on helping clients heal and align their finances with their God-given purpose.

Serving the Right Audience

Marcia works primarily with corporate professionals and entrepreneurs, helping them manage their finances and build wealth. She believes financial wellness should be an integral part of workplace programs, as money affects all aspects of life. “I target corporate companies and also help small and micro businesses with financial management and pricing strategies,” she explains. Her approach is holistic, addressing both personal and professional financial needs.

The Power of Obedience

Marcia’s journey into entrepreneurship was a step of faith. Leaving her secure banking job, she followed God’s call to help others manage their finances. “When you are sent out by God, He provides everything you need,” she says. Her obedience has opened numerous doors and expanded her reach, allowing her to make a significant impact on many lives.

Staying True to Your Message

Marcia emphasizes the importance of having a clear message and staying true to it. “Your message should not change, but your approach can target different segments,” she advises. By focusing on her core message of financial literacy from a biblical perspective, Marcia has been able to reach a diverse audience and expand her business.

How to Connect with Marcia Armstrong

For those interested in working with Marcia or learning more about her services, you can connect with her through various platforms:

Marcia is approachable and eager to connect with those seeking to transform their financial lives. You can also email her at Email for more information.

Marcia Armstrong’s dedication to helping people manage their finances from a biblical perspective is both inspiring and essential. Her approach to financial literacy offers a comprehensive way to ensure financial freedom and create lasting legacies. At EmpowHer, we celebrate Marcia’s contributions and look forward to sharing more stories of women who are making a difference in their communities and beyond.

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