ย The Empowher Blog: Elevating Women's Voices

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Coaching and Confidence, The Journey of Brandy Komis!

life coach Aug 01, 2022

Brandy Komis is the owner of Brandy Komis Coaching. She collaborates with women, one-on-one who are looking for more out of life. They know they are made for more but are feeling held back and unsure why, they desire to feel confident in their pursuits. Women who have some past trauma that needs to be healed. Komis has been in the coaching industry for 2 years but has been coaching behind her chair for twelve.

Brandy was inspired to coach because of her own coaching experience. "I never realized what it meant or how it felt to have someone be solely focused on helping you work through things you didn't even realize you had to work through. I felt called to help more women in the way that I was helped both in mindset work and healing. Everyone deserves to live a rich and happy life and the key to that is manifestation but to manifest you must heal your relationship with yourself to you feel worthy of the life you want to manifest," she explained.

Collaborating one-on-one with clients always looks a little different depending on what the client s working through. Komis connects with them weekly on the phone and touches base through voxer throughout the week. She desired to be available for her clients to work through whatever is coming up.

"I believe the work we do together gives them freedom. Freedom from self-imposed limits whether they are aware of them or not. Freedom to move through and past previous and future trauma. I give them the tools to continue to self-heal and the ability to have a safe place to be vulnerable while feeling heard and seen to work through anything," Brandy elaborates.

Brandy Komis has faced many roadblocks along the way. Most of her block’s stem from the ego and all the ideas of how we should be living our lives. "How things should be working out and for me self-disappointment when they aren't working out how I feel they should be. I can also say that most of my roadblocks are fixed with a shift in perspective and having a safe place to work through them.," Komis expressed.

Challenges come and go. How we face these challenges determines how much we can achieve in life. "Some of my biggest challenges I have faced are the repetitive intrusive thoughts that I'm not good enough I don't have the skills for that and fear of failure," exclaimed.

I choose to overcome my roadblocks such as fear and doubt by remembering who I am. This is a journey, but we were all created to live abundant lives and given all the tools we need to do that. Taking time for self-love self-care and grounding to get back into my power and remember who I am and why I was created has helped me overcome.

By taking time for self-love and self-care, Brandy was able to move her family cross country and back. "It was something we wanted to try and ultimately it didn't work out, but I am proud we tried it and what we learned in the process," Brandy said. Another meaningful goal for her was creating her coaching

business. Starting a new business is not for the faint of heart but listening to the heart is the only way Brandy believes one should live.

Here at Jay's Intuitive Life Coaching and Inspired Healing, LLC we have a saying that we like to use. "Healing is not a journey, it's a destination." We asked Brandy Komis if she could give moms who aspire to start their businesses and continue their healing journey any advice, what would it be? She offered this, "As moms, we often feel like we have to be and do it all. Remember that you do not have to do it all. It is okay to ask for help, it is okay to put yourself first, and it is necessary to take care of yourself. You cannot miss what is meant for you so slow down enjoy your life and believe in yourself. You are doing it, it is coming, and everything is always happening for you. You got this."

If you need mentoring, inspiration, or just a place to feel seen and heard, you can connect with Brandy Komis through Instagram @manifestation_mom.

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