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Brains, Beauty, And A Hint Of Ratchetness

web desgn web hosting Jul 27, 2022

 Since August of 2021, Candenetra has owned and operated Ratchet Nerd group, a web design and web hosting agency that also offers writing services for various publishers and brands. They specialize in serving start-up brands and solopreneurs (in various industries) that are ready to scale their businesses and establish an online presence. "Once each website is created, we provide clients with the resources needed to maintain the website and generate traffic. Our clients are also provided with lifetime technical support for all their software and web hosting needs. Not only do we aim to give business owners a head starts in launching their businesses online, but we also provide services that encourage longevity and a solid foundation for the brand," Cande explained.  

They host websites for brand owners that may not have the time, energy, or skills to manage the website themselves. "We take a hand-holding approach to servicing our clients because we know how overwhelming it can be to launch a new brand and keep up with all of the tasks associated with maintaining an online presence." Writing is one of the main components of creating and managing a brand's online presence; therefore, Ratchet Nerd Group offers extensive writing services such as SEO development, copywriting, and ghostwriting. They push the importance of e-marketing because a brand's voice is a major key to connecting with the intended audience, especially when interacting online. 

In 2020, Cande graduated with a Mathematics degree. She had a tough time getting into the tech industry without internships. " I knew that to gain technical experience, I would need to study hard and/or create that role for myself. Fortunately, I am a serial entrepreneur and have naturally developed the skill of creating websites for my ventures; this gave me the courage to indulge in more research on web development. In 2020, I noticed many businesses launched during the pandemic. They needed help establishing an online presence using highly functional websites. After considering what I had to offer and what others needed, I decided to launch Ratchet Nerd Group," Moore elaborated.  

Without a team, it can be hard to confidently pursue brand growth, but with the educational aspect that comes with their services, Ratchet Nerd Group assist their clients with streamlining their operations and implementing marketing strategies that encourage longevity and growth until they can build a team. Their agency values personality and ability over professionalism because they want brand owners to feel empowered, not intimidated by the world web. They encourage their clients to do what works best for them instead of trying to be like competitors. 

 As a serial entrepreneur, Cande is no stranger to challenges. "I have previously made the mistake of walking away from a consistent income as an employee to pursue full-time entrepreneurship. It has been hard, especially since I have had so many changes to my living situation and lost a business partner along the way. As a single parent, financial stability is a necessity for supporting a household. Since childhood, I have fought hard to overcome battles with depression and low self-esteem. So, experiencing this kind of instability has certainly been a test of my strength, self-confidence, and my ability to forgive myself for making mistakes." 

Her biggest obstacle was overcoming depression and feelings of low self-worth (coupled with a case of undiagnosed ADHD. These mental issues have caused Cande to make terrible decisions in young adulthood. Due to her lack of motivation, she missed a lot of things and opportunities. "For a while, I did not even have the will to live. Eventually, due to my tendency to make impulsive decisions, I became a single mother, and it has been one of the hardest challenges I have faced in my life. The emotional and mental toll that a two-person job can have on one person is detrimental for most people. Fortunately for me, single parenthood turned out to be the motivation I needed to turn my mindset around and begin building myself up for the sake of my child," she expressed.  

Childhood has played an intricate part in Moore's journey to motherhood and entrepreneurship. As a child, she was heavier than most of her peers. During a time when she began to become interested in boys, she was constantly bullied about her weight. " This was a huge blow to my self-esteem. Even at home, I could not get away from the constant remarks family members would make about my size. Knowing that I might always be seen as a fat woman, I worked tirelessly to at least be the smartest and most successful person in any room I enter. I wanted to be respected and heard, not just judged by my outer appearance as a fat person. I loved to read and learn new things, which has contributed to much of my success in business and educational obtainment today," Cande explained.  

As a mother, Moore strives to instill the power of knowledge and discipline in her son so that he will always have the motivation to reach his goals. "I aim to reinforce his confidence with positive words of affirmation so he can easily overcome some of the emotional and mental obstacles I had to face during my adolescence and young adulthood. Although I am a single mother, my son’s arrival sparked my motivation to take accountability for my actions, follow through with my plans, and always strive to become the best version of myself. I must be the best version of myself so he can know what that looks like to always do your best," she expressed. 

Despite these many challenges, Moore has been able to push through. While working to bounce back from the bad business decisions, she constantly reminds herself of how far she has come in reaching her goals. "Fortunately, I have an amazing support system and have been graced with the opportunity to live with my parents while I build my brand and establish my career in software development. Although my mother and I share vastly different parenting styles when it comes to dealing with my son, she has been an immense help in setting up a schedule for him and lending an extra hand when I am busy with meetings, clients, and class," Cande said. Over the last year, she has worked hard to establish a solid foundation for her and her son. This non-stop dedication has led to significant strides in her business goals, as well as her personal goals toward financial stability and career advancement. Having a dedicated support system is one thing she has never taken for granted, especially when crossing into each new chapter of his life. 

Through everything, she has faced, Cande is an overcomer. She has been able to accomplish many things. Her most meaningful goal has been losing over one hundred pounds. "The accomplishment was not the weight loss, alone, though. The real accomplishment was overcoming depression and low self-esteem, which was the catalyst for my weight loss. I spent my entire childhood overweight and constantly trying new diets, only to find that I was getting heavier each year. Once I finally learned to love myself where I was, the weight seemed to fall off without my having to put any real thought into it. As a black woman, obtaining my bachelor’s degree in mathematics has been a highlight of my life but finally, reaching my goal of losing weight has been an invigorating feeling. As an adolescent, I thought I would never gain the discipline to lose weight. I became worried that I would just continue to get bigger and eventually lose mobility. I am so grateful that I finally found the will to take control of that part of my life," Moore exclaimed. Reaching this goal has reassured her to believe that she can achieve anything. 

Here at Jay's Intuitive Life Coaching and Inspired Healing, LLC we have a saying that we like to use. "Healing is a journey, not a destination." We asked Candenetra Moore if she could give moms who aspire to start their businesses and continue their healing journey any advice, what would it be? She offered this, "There is a metaphor I heard from life coach Lisa Nichols a few years ago, which I keep near and dear to me. She teaches you to serve from your saucer instead of serving from your cup. This means that as you fill your cup by way of self-care, you should serve others from the overflow that drips into your saucer. Even as a mother, it is my philosophy to put myself first. I would never neglect my child’s needs in favor of my own, but I find that I can present the best version of myself to my child when I have taken the time to nurture myself and recharge when I need it. When it comes to running my business, I create procedures and policies that make the most sense for me and my lifestyle. Doing what works best for me has worked very well in the last year and I have been fortunate enough to collaborate with clients that are happy to align with my procedures, thus making it easier to provide them with the best service." 

If you are looking to establish a digital presence with a unique and highly functional website, learn more about Ratchet Nerd Group Web Design you at doing so at: services here: https://www.ratchetnerd.com/web-design 

They also offer free resources and a weekly newsletter that features blog posts, the latest news in website management, and updates on all things Ratchet Nerd Group!  

Check it out: https://www.ratchetnerd.com/free-resources 

For tips on how you can streamline operations and manage your website with efficiency, connect with them on the following platforms:  

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM_hLvyM8XEMMpxoQziL2Tg Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ratchetnerdgroup?r=nametag 

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