ย The Empowher Blog: Elevating Women's Voices

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Boss Baby, Rediscovering Little Amiana!

skincare Jun 06, 2022

Amiana Patterson is the founder of a luxury organic skincare line called Pampered Luxe. Pampered Luxe specializes in all things luxurious and organic providing all skin types just what it requires on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Her products range from The Designer Collection, which includes body butters, body scrubs, milk baths, foot soaks, and 25k gold face serum. Pampered Luxe's body butters can be compared to a top-of-the-line designer scent. Their body scrubs target discoloration of the skin. The milk baths give you the ultimate relaxation in preparation for a good night's sleep. Pampered Luxe's foot soaks replenish every the most active consumers. Their 24k gold face serum guarantees the ultimate skin glow and anti-aging properties. Although that is only a few of the products that Pampered Luxe has to offer, all the products in Pampered Luxe's skincare line are quality designed to meet the individual need of every Pampered Tribe Member!

Pampered Luxe was founded in 2019. Amiana saw the overwhelming need for organically treating the skin and the outpour of support that just could not be denied. Since launching, she has successfully helped a plethora of individuals who support and stand behind her and Pampered Luxe. The Pampered Tribe has expanded to over twenty-two states ranging from the North, South, East, and West, and still growing. 

Amiana is enthusiastic about helping those who are consistent on their skincare journey. "Coming from experience, the skincare journey is not an overnight experience. The true magic is in the consistency! Staying consistent will produce the results anyone is looking for to maintain or start their goal with their skin," she explains. Customers who understand this concept will benefit from Pampered Luxe's products.


Patterson's impact on her customer's come second to none. "I believe that in my line of work, I make the most impact with The Pampered Tribe by first gaining the trust of my tribe and being able to double down on that. Trust is everything in any relationship and being able to form a trustworthy relationship with my tribe ensures them that I do care about their skincare journey enough to make sure every product is quality and meets their needs, " Amiana elaborated. She produces quality products that her Pampered Tribe loves while offering a solution that works for their skincare issues and boosts their confidence along their skincare journey. 


A notable example of this is one of her clients who struggled with acne. "I had a client who had been dealing with acne and was uncomfortable leaving the house with a fresh face. Using a product such as my Turmeric's Glow would give them the confidence to be able to leave the house with little or no confidence issues. It targets acne and discoloration," Patterson exclaimed. 


Growing up, Amiana Patterson has always had a CEO mindset. Being able to explore that avenue at an early age gave her a lot of willpower and fearlessness to be an entrepreneur in her adulthood. "My childhood although good, has equipped me for motherhood. It helps me recognize that not all kids are the same and cannot be raised the same in some areas because their purpose is different. Finding balance with my business, womanhood, and motherhood is a daily intentional exercise," Amiana expressed. 


Patterson is no stranger to trauma. Her experience with trauma has required her to be on an ongoing journey of healing her wounded child and unpack the trauma she has experienced as an adult. "It has not always been easy. Bu, continuing to heal allows me to show up at my best in all the hats that I wear," Amiana explains. Her upbringing has contributed to the decisions she has made as a mother and entrepreneur. She has always been fearless in the pursuit of leadership. 


"I am fortunate enough that my family saw even in childhood that the leadership and CEO mindset in me required cultivation. My family has had my back from the start to encourage my gifts and talents. This has played a significant role in my children and my journey of motherhood. Attempting to continuously operate in Black Excellence as a business owner has shown my sons that it is possible to pursue your dreams “outside the box.” I am a first-generation entrepreneur and being able to show my children they can do what they are enthusiastic about and still meet the needs without having a 9-5 if they are willing to put in the work is everything!" Amiana elaborated.


As a serial entrepreneur, Amiana has experienced many challenges along the way regarding balancing motherhood, womanhood, and business. Like many of us, mompreneurs know. No matter what we are dealing with emotionally or mentally, life still goes on. As a business owner, deadlines must be met. As a mother, children have extracurricular activities that they need support. As a woman, we need time and space to be ourselves. "Finding the perfect balance to all the hats that I wear hats and is a daily practice. I would encourage anyone that is juggling multiple hats that demands you to show up at your best to prioritize what is the priority," Amiana, spoke passionately. Intentionally stopping for a second and weighing what needs to be managed immediately and what can afford to wait has given her the work-life balance she needs. Finding a work-life balance has given Amiana the necessary energy that she required to manage her priorities.

Overcoming the challenges that were meant to set Amiana back greatly depended on how she perceived the.

"I can only speak for myself as everyone manages life differently. But, in my life, my mindset is this: I either win or I learn but I NEVER lose! Being able to accept this mentality equips me in being able to manage even the most unfavorable situation because within any situation is a takeaway to either learn and never repeat that cycle or win and make sure I give that knowledge and wisdom to the next," Patterson went on to say. Maintaining a positive mindset is not an easy task. Just as Amiana has shown, it is indeed possible. 

"Now, for me personally as much positivity that I can maintain still would not be enough if I didn’t have the main factor that gives me the strength and confidence to face any challenge head-on. and that’s God. My relationship with God gives me the ability, authority, confidence, and endurance to be able to manage what comes my way because I know that every situation is placing me in alignment with my assignment! God’s track record is FLAWLESS, and I have yet to succumb to ANY situation or circumstance meant to not only break me down but keep me down!" Amiana Patterson told us. 

With a positive mindset, Amiana has accomplished some meaningful goals. One of her biggest accomplishments is her tenacity to keep going. The skincare industry is heavily saturated. At times that can be discouraging. "Being able to still show up for myself and my business and given room and find my tribe even in a saturated market is the most meaningful to me. Aside from that, the most meaningful accomplishment in this field is having the honor of being a part of one’s skincare journey!" she explained. The biggest challenge to developing the tenacity to keep going was shifting her mindset to knowing that she can bring something to the table that no one else can. Through the process, she discovered that that thing was her. By facing her self-doubt and self-sabotaging ideas of over-saturation, Amiana realized that the self-doubt and self-sabotaging ways did not compare to her gifts and what she brings to the table. By building her confidence in herself and her brand, she was able to ease even the biggest challenge to keep going. 

Here at Jay's Intuitive Life Coaching and Inspired Healing, LLC we have a saying that we like to use. "Healing is a journey, not a destination." We asked Amiana Patterson if she could give moms who aspire to start the businesses and continue their healing journey any advice, what would it be? She offered this, "Take one step at a time. Although this saying is super cliché, it is the truth “Rome wasn’t built in a day” and neither will you be. We are constantly evolving, healing, and pursue the next level of our lives. Be patient with yourself. Give yourself the grace you give everyone else and take one day at a time."

If you are interested in Amiana's services & products, you can reach her across all social boards @Amianamonik and I also can be reached via email at [email protected]!


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