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A Self-Taught Seaside Sista!

skincare Jun 08, 2022

Established in the fall of 2019, Seaside Sista Soap Company, LLC is owned and operated by Kourtney Tolbert. It is a business that focuses on offering organic skincare options. They use plant-based ingredients and fragrances to cater to various skin types and conditions. Seaside Sista Soap Company, LLC has formulated products and packages such as soaps, body scrubs, moisturizers, yoni, and facial items. 

 As a mom with a son struggling with skincare issues, sharing her eczema solutions inspired Kourtney to start her business. She makes an impact on younger socially aware African American moms looking to implement a more modern holistic approach to living by having an open mind and a kind spirit. "I try to make people feel seen and heard no matter the subject. It influences people to give that in return. Resulting in a beautifully impactful exchange," Kourtney said.

Her ambitions and drive stem far beyond her business. Kourtney Tolbert is self-taught. Without a clear life path, and periodic financial struggles since the day her mother and stepfather sent the teen mom away to a less than a helpful family member, Kourtney had to figure things out on her own. "I have no formal education yet because of financial reasons. So being self-taught I went through what I call a "lost period". I did not know how I could contribute to society, my children's futures, or my growth for a long time. I was focused on keeping my family afloat financially, dealing with traumatic experiences, and being a mother," she explained. Through brainstorming and watching others in similar situations, Kourtney was able to figure out the importance of structure. "I overcame many challenges by developing and implementing schedules and to-do lists. Flexibility is still important as needed but, schedules help balance my life, finances, my kids, my relationship, and my business," she exclaimed.

Her childhood has played an intricate part in who Kourtney is as a mother and business owner. She extends kindness to her clients. "I am careful with who I deal with and how. And that carries over into how I teach my children to deal with others. Careful but kind. The positive aspects of my upbringing contribute to the decisions I make as a mom and mompreneur. I raise my kids as I was raised," Tolbert spoke passionately. Interacting with and exposed to cultures and people of all levels of society. It helps me and my kids with the way we interact respectfully and in an educated way with people. 

Like many of us mompreneurs know, motherhood and entrepreneurship have their challenges. The biggest challenge for Tolbert was getting out of the position that she was stuck in for five years. "I dealt with abuse in many forms, and overall hated the place. It took so much of my time and energy. Once I left there I could focus on my goals," she explained. The other challenge was moving from the projects into the suburbs. Although difficult, it was possible. Kourtney made it happen and it has changed her and her life forever.

Despite the many challenges she has faced, Kourtney has accomplished much more. Some of her most meaningful accomplishments include finding a "job" that she loves through soap making, getting her products in local shops, and getting her family in a safe place where they can grow together. 

Here at Jay's Intuitive Life Coaching and Inspired Healing, LLC we have a saying that we like to use. "Healing is a journey, not a destination." We asked Kourtney Tolbert if she could give moms who aspire to start the businesses and continue their healing journey any advice, what would it be? She offered this, "My advice is to get your mind together before venturing into entrepreneurship. Have your house and relationships truly in order first. That is the foundation from which you will pull. If you are pulling from chaos and insecurity, it will show. I learned that the hard way. So, draw from a space of happiness and positivity. It has helped me tremendously."

If you are interested in Kourtney's products and services, you can connect with her through her website www.SeasideSistaSoapCo.com/contact and on social media @seasidesistasoapco.


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